This series Lotte and Stu delve into topics such as BAME and trans-racial adoption, being an asexual parent, post-adoption depression, the fight for IVF equality for same sex couples, trans-parenting...
A family-sized helping of queer festive cheer from Lotte and Stu. Your hosts ‘fess up to an Elf on The Shelf massacre, drop an exclusive Kristen Stewart story, discuss a...
In Episode 20 our Some Families season 1 finale, Lotte and Stu chat to Jake and Hannah Graf, with their 8 week old daughter Millie. Jake and Hannah are a...
Lotte and Stu are joined by Linda Riley, the publisher of DIVA magazine, and Sophia, one of Linda’s teenage twins. Sophia talks about growing up having two mums, how it...